Mayor Desorgher Submits FY25 Budget Proposal

GREENFIELD— Mayor Virginia “Ginny” Desorgher has submitted her fiscal year 2025 (FY25) budget proposal to the City Council on Monday, April 1.

The proposed FY25 budget is $64,866,698, which represents a 5 percent increase from fiscal year 2024 (FY24). In her budget narrative, Mayor Desorgher highlights her vision of increasing municipal revenue streams as an innovative approach to paying rising expenses. Some of the recent increases include OPEB liability, a double-digit increase in insurance and healthcare expenses and a marked increase in debt.

Some additions to the FY25 budget include a new staff member in the Assessors Department and an additional firefighter position. The new firefighter will allow the Fire Department to return to their desired staffing of seven people per shift. Mayor Desorgher also collaborated with the Greenfield Police Department in the creation of a police officer position that is committed to serving the downtown business district.

In addition, Mayor Desorgher increased Greenfield Public Schools funding by $911,698, a four percent increase from FY24. 

“Thank you to all of our dedicated employees and to our hard-working department heads who put tremendous effort into crafting their budgets and who stood with me as I needed to make difficult revisions,” said Mayor Virginia “Ginny” Desorgher in her budget narrative.

The full FY25 budget book can be viewed here.

Click here to view the full FY25 School Budget Presentation.