Recommendations Released from Downtown Greenfield Parking Study

GREENFIELD – Months of extensive research by Greenfield department heads and the consulting group
Stantec culminated on Monday, June 12 with the presentation of the Downtown Greenfield Parking Study at the
John Zon Community Center. The recommendations generated from this process will help inform important
updates to downtown parking.

Mayor Roxann Wedegartner utilized a $25,000 grant from the Mass Downtown Initiative to hire Stantec for the
parking study in December 2022. Stantec and Greenfield then hosted a public workshop on Tuesday, January 31
to gather community input.

In the months that followed, Stantec established an inventory by gathering parking information in the winter
and spring of 2023. They then extracted parking utilization data in April 2023 to perform analysis on various
components of the overall system.

Stantec concluded that 61% of Downtown Greenfield parking spaces are located within one block of Main
Street, while the overall utilization of parking remains relatively low across weekdays and weekends. The peak
time for downtown parking, Thursdays at 10 a.m., featured a utilization rate of only 55%.

Stantec incorporated these findings as the foundation for their study. The study’s various recommendations
centered on Main Street parking needs, parking supply, pricing and the overall management of the parking
systems. Mayor Wedegartner and Greenfield department heads will now parse through the findings with the
goal of improving downtown parking operations.

“Mayor Wedegartner and the team who work on parking are really excited to see the recommendations from
these experts,” said Chief of Staff Danielle Letourneau. “We are already digging in to see what can be
implemented quickly, what will need more time to put in place, and what will need to happen further down the
road with the Main Street project." 

You can view the slideshow by clicking on the photo below:

The full presentation can also be viewed on Greenfield Community Television’s YouTube page: